Provider Information SQLite Column Type Information: SQLite3 wtext (WSTR) (size 65536) (islong) (length) longwvarchar (WSTR) (size 65536) (islong) (length) wvarchar (WSTR) (size 255) (length) wchar (WSTR) (size 255) (isfixedlength) (length) bit (BOOL) (size 1) (isfixedlength) tinyint (I1) (size 3) (isfixedlength) bigint (I8) (size 19) (isfixedlength) longvarbinary (BYTES) (size 65536) (islong) varbinary (BYTES) (size 255) longvarchar (STR) (size 65536) (islong) (length) text (STR) (size 65536) (islong) (length) char (STR) (size 255) (isfixedlength) (length) integer (I4) (size 7) (isfixedlength) smallint (I2) (size 5) (isfixedlength) float (R8) (size 7) (isfixedlength) numeric (R8) (size 15) (isfixedlength) double (R8) (size 15) (isfixedlength) date (DBDATE) (size 10) (isfixedlength) time (DBTIME) (size 8) (isfixedlength) timestamp (DBTIMESTAMP) (size 32) (isfixedlength) varchar (STR) (size 255) (length) SQLite2 bit (BOOL) (size 1) (isfixedlength) tinyint (I1) (size 3) (isfixedlength) longvarbinary (BYTES) (size 65536) (islong) varbinary (BYTES) (size 255) longvarchar (STR) (size 65536) (islong) (length) text (STR) (size 65536) (islong) (length) char (STR) (size 255) (isfixedlength) (length) integer (I4) (size 7) (isfixedlength) smallint (I2) (size 5) (isfixedlength) float (R8) (size 7) (isfixedlength) double (R8) (size 15) (isfixedlength) numeric (R8) (size 15) (isfixedlength) date (DBDATE) (size 10) (isfixedlength) time (DBTIME) (size 8) (isfixedlength) timestamp (DBTIMESTAMP) (size 32) (isfixedlength) varchar (STR) (size 255) (length) Provider Information This list can be created for any initialized source, by choosing [Admin/DBMS data types] and copying from the Results tab.