Provider Information ORACLE Column Type Information: Provider=MSDAORA.1 (OLEDB) FLOAT (R8) (size 15) (isfixedlength) (best) LONG RAW (BYTES) (size 2147483647) (islong) RAW (BYTES) (size 2000) (max length) (best) CHAR (STR) (size 2000) (isfixedlength) (length) LONG (STR) (size 2147483647) (islong) VARCHAR2 (STR) (size 4000) (max length) (best) NUMBER (NUMERIC) (size 38) (isfixedlength) (precision,scale) (best) DATE (DBTIMESTAMP) (size 19) (isfixedlength) (best) NUMBER (VARNUMERIC) (size 38) (best) Provider=OraOLEDB.Oracle.1 (ODBC) CHAR (STR) (size 2000) (isfixedlength) (length) DATE (DBTIMESTAMP) (size 19) (isfixedlength) (best) FLOAT (R8) (size 8) (isfixedlength) (best) NUMBER (NUMERIC) (size 38) (isfixedlength) (precision, scale) (best) NUMBER (VARNUMERIC) (size 38) (best) VARCHAR2 (STR) (size 4000) (max length) (best) LONG (STR) (size 2147483647) (islong) LONG RAW (BYTES) (size 2147483647) (islong) RAW (BYTES) (size 2000) (max length) (best) BLOB (BYTES) (size 2147483647) (islong) CLOB (STR) (size 2147483647) (islong) BFILE (BYTES) (size 2147483647) (islong) NCLOB (WSTR) (size 2147483647) (islong) NCHAR (WSTR) (size 2000) (isfixedlength) (length) NVARCHAR2 (WSTR) (size 4000) (max length) (best) TIMESTAMP (DBTIMESTAMP) (size 29) (isfixedlength) (best) TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE (DBTIMESTAMP) (size 29) (isfixedlength) (best) TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE (DBTIMESTAMP) (size 29) (isfixedlength) (best) INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH (STR) (size 14) (best) INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND (STR) (size 30) (best) This list can be created for any initialized source, by choosing [Admin/DBMS data types] and copying from the Results tab.